
Posts Tagged ‘hedgehog’

Sonic Fan Remix: Thoughts/Mini Review

October 22, 2010 2 comments

Transparency: I’m a member of the Sonic Retro site and forums. I was a producer for Ashura: Dark Reign (See some earlier posts of mine) in its days of origin. I’ve dabbled in game maker, multimedia fusion, and the games factory. I’ve been watching Sonic fan projects come, go, and expand for a long, long time. The part where I’m a member of Sonic Retro is important here, because it means I’ve been watching the Sonic Fan Remix, along with everyone else on that site, develop since early this year. This project has gained incredible amounts of coverage from various video game sites, and made headway on the net as the ‘Sonic 4 Killer’, or “What Sonic 4 should be.”.

And now, at long last, after much mouth-breathing and salivation, Pelikan13 has graced us with a demo of his astounding project. I, of course, immediately went to give it a download. And by that, I mean I waited a day, because I was on the college computer when I first discovered it had been released, and the servers were smashed when I got back home.

Well, guess what, it’s amazing. Here’s the thing, though. I refuse to analyze and praise this project in contrast to Sonic 4 as everyone seems hellbent on doing. I like Sonic 4, first of all, second of all, this game isn’t trying to be Sonic 4, and third, I believe judging this game against Sonic 4 does it a disservice by not letting it stand on its own merits. I’m not going to let this be “This puts SEGA to shame” or “THIS IS HOW SONIC 4 SHOULD LOOK”, because this is a project that deserves to stand alone, in its own spot light. Not with the shadow of other projects.

Youtube footage thanks to Jerphunter. I uploaded my own, but this looks way better, and you can watch it in HD.

I don’t need to tell you this is a good looking demo, but I’ll tell you anyway; this is a god damn gorgeous game. Pelikan has brought the classic Emerald Hill (Props for not just rehashing vanilla Green Hill Zone) into HD in beautiful form. The surreal and curvy palmtrees, oversized totem pole tikis, sparkling water in the background, and Eggman flags interspersed here and there take this beyond “This is how I remember this looking” in to a realm of “This is how I wanted this to look back in 1992”. Classic Sonic himself makes a surprisingly smooth transition into 3D model form, with all the charm you’d expect from the rounded, stubby hedgehog of yesteryear. I particularly appreciate the little touches of detail like the Eggman mech in the background, the Orca towards the end of Act 1, and the developing ROBOLAND sign in the background through all three acts. There’s a passage of time here that’s quite neat and works well, thematically. Now all we need is a boss act that takes place with a twinkling night sky and the beginnings of a robotic city in the background.

This comes at a cost, though. If you have a decent rig, you should be fine to run the game. If you have a slightly older machine (Or a shitty laptop like mine), you’ll have to dial the graphics down to fastest and run the game at a lower resolution. It’s a small price to pay, the game still looks phenomenal on low settings.

Of course, the physics of a Sonic game, which have now literally been condensed in to a science by my fellow Sonic Retro members (Personally, I preferred when Sonic ran fast and you just kind of accepted that fact.), are often harped upon in any sort of interactive media featuring the character. Well, as far as ‘classic’ Sonic physics go, SFR is spot-fucking-on. This is in large part thanks to Retro member Mercury, who created a ‘Physics Guide’ for Sonic on the site, and has been instrumental in Pelikan13’s nailing the feel of the Genesis classics. Everything flows well and feels sharp. This might be the first 3D fan project, or 3D project ever, to hit that 16 bit pinball physics feel, and it feels good.

The music is a joy to listen to. There were pages of deliberation on Retro about who should be gone to for music (well, pages of suggestions, really, since only a few people have any real hand in SFR’s development.), and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. It’s just a reworked version of older songs, but it’s fitting. Sound design in general, really, is well done. The sound effects are all back in classic form, but some more atmospheric sounds (rushing water, etc) have been added to the zones to make them feel much more like actual locations and not just static things to run on.

Of course, this is only a demo, and I’ve already managed to extrapolate this much. I wouldn’t expect a finished product any time in the near future, unless Pelikan hand picks several people to help him speed the process, but it’s an astounding proof of concept that I hope to see more from soon.

You can find the official SFR website Here, downloads of the demo Here and Here, and the thread on Sonic Retro Here.

Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 Review

October 12, 2010 2 comments


A familiar sight, indeed.


Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 (Yes, the fourth Sonic The Hedgehog game, at last. There have been no others. Ever.) comes at a strange and somewhat appropriate time in games history. In the past couple of years, there’s been a strong nineties resurgence with titles like Street Fighter 4, Megaman 9 and 10, New Super Mario Bros, and the upcoming Mortal Kombat game, all hearkening back to their early-90s ancestry. Sonic The Hedgehog continues this trend with Sonic 4, and not a moment too soon. It’s no secret that the Sonic franchise has been in the gutter for the past decade or so, with the amount of time and the number of games featuring Sonic that have been panned now outnumbering the hallowed classics. Sonic 4 stands as what could be the last chance for the franchise to earn back some respect among the video game populace, and have a breath of fresh air amongst all the waste the brand has been excreting, but is it enough? Does it live up to its golden (Or should I say royal blue) forefathers?

The story of Sonic games since the late 90s has been a bit of a laughing point for any self respecting human being over the age of 13. The games have slowly taken on more and more ridiculously self serious tones, culminating in 2006’s Sonic The Hedgehog, in which Sonic died. Not permanently, mind you, but the fact remains that Sonic fucking dies. Sonic 4, thankfully, does away with any trace of a plot past the mid 90s and graces us with a very simple narrative: Eggman (hereby referred to as Robotnik, because I am a giant retrofag.) is up to no good. Make him cut it out. The game itself doesn’t even really touch on the story, and sends you right in to the first zone when you pick ‘start’. Just the way I like it.


A smattering of nostalgia for your eyeholes! But what lies BEYOND this enigmatic curtain of red, white, and blue?


From the get-go, the fact that this is an attempt to hearken back to the days of 16 bit, 2-D sidescrollers is immediately apparent. You’re treated to an old school level title card, some midi-sounding music (None of which is very memorable, I have to add, as a side-note), and a landscape very reminiscent of Sonic 1’s Green Hill Zone. Including that motobug, right there. And those piranha things… And that spring… Wait a second, you might think, feeling utterly duped; This is Green Hill Zone.

Well, yes and no. See, that’s kind of Sonic 4: Episode 1’s shtick. The story that wasn’t touched on earlier? It’s basically “Robotnik is recycling his old creations, ’cause he’s out of ideas”, and it echoes in the zones. Every single one of them, save for the final zone, is extremely reminiscent of an earlier, 16 bit counterpart. Namely; Green Hill Zone and Labyrinth Zone from Sonic 1, and Casino Night Zone and Metropolis Zone from Sonic 2. That’s not to say these levels are carbon copies. Though the level art evokes the feeling of “What you remember this level looking like”, there are new elements to the re-imagined 3D art, and new gimmicks in the zones themselves. That said, there are also some old gimmicks, so all and all these end up feeling more or less like remixed locations that you’ve already tread if you’ve played either of the first two games of the series.

The level design itself isn’t bad, especially in comparison to other recent entries in the series, offering the branching paths and speedy venues that made the original Sonics so fun to explore and tool around in, whether you like to see how blisteringly fast you can make it through each stage, or poke around at a more methodical pace to see what secret items and areas you can find. The most offensive lapse in good level design is a liberal smattering of chains of enemies to homing attack in order to reach the upper-most areas of a level. These are almost never necessary to actually traverse a stage, but it would be nice to be able to reach these higher paths without spending most of your time airborne, pressing Jump.


This probably isn't feasible according to Sir Isaac Newton.


On that note, (rough segue!) the physics in Sonic 4 all-together feel a little ‘off’. Now, I’m not gonna go in to anal-retentive recitals of algorithms and slope angles like some of the more obsessive Sonic fans out there, but it doesn’t take a hardcore fan to notice things feel a little floaty. Sonic’s movement lacks any sort of momentum or weight, to the point where often times it is possible to stop on a dime by jumping, which seems to completely cancel out any existing movement if you’re not holding a direction down. While this can be a live saver on particularly perilous platforming parts (Quadruple alliteration. I’m quite proud.), it feels clunky everywhere else. When you’re in the air, or moving at high speeds, the game flows quite well, but the problem is that spending half your time with your feet off solid ground, chaining homing attacks just isn’t fun after a while.


I'm not gonna lie. This is what sold me on Sonic 4.


Despite some rough areas that could use a loving touch and some polish to bring out what I feel could truly be a good game beneath its flaws, Sonic 4 still manages to exude some of the charm present in its predecessors, due in no small part to Sonic’s reduction to a small character that communicated entirely with motion and doesn’t spout forced one liners and “YEAH. WAHOO” every three and a half seconds. It’s also nice to see the good Doctor as a main antagonist again, instead of a catalyst for a bigger, likely supernatural baddy to come and take the spotlight, as has been the formula for the last ten or so years. The nostalgia comes at a cost, though, ending up making S4E1 feel more like Sonic 1&2: Homing Attack Edition than anything else at times.

Outside of the linear story progression, there is time attack mode that can be accessed at any time after the first stage that acts as a fun distraction for anyone wanting to test their twitch reflexes in speed runs of Sonic 4’s levels. It’s not exactly a game maker or breaker, but it’s a plus.




All in all, Sonic 4 isn’t the glorious return to form some people were hoping for, no. It’s not anything particularly revolutionary, either. The game is, in short, average. If you’re a long time Sonic fan, you’ll eat it up. If you’re not, you probably won’t find anything to convert you in this game. It won’t break your heart, but it won’t make you fall in love again, either. There is an ending teasing Episode 2 if you get all the Chaos Emeralds that leaves me personally excited for the next chapter, though, and hopefully with that next chapter will come some changes to make the game more accessible. Until then, it’s not a terrible product by any stretch… but it’s just not quite enough to restore any permanent faith in the series.


Whose idea was this?

October 2, 2010 Leave a comment

So every day I check this blog’s stats to see how many hits I didn’t get from wordpress searches of Quake 3 and Sonic. The answer, you might figure, is very little. Hell, if you’re reading this right now, you probably looked up Sonic Unleashed and linked one of my pictures from the Then and Now article. I also check places that people have been linked to here from. Today, I was caught by a surprise. One that may be short lived.

Apparently, someone took my then and now article, and the opinions therein, and ran with it for the Sonic the Hedgehog wikipedia article.

Specifically, the series’ jump to 3D has been noted as a declining point.[51] Although specifically many sources pin-point 2003’s Sonic Heroes as the beginning of the series’ decline.[52]

52. #^

Cool, I guess, but I’m not exactly a super reputable source. However, they go also cite the Sonic Heroes review scores at metacritic, so I guess I have backup.

I should really write something interesting sometime.

Memoirs of a technicolour furball.

September 25, 2008 Leave a comment

Alternatively titled: Sonic chronicles: First impressions.

Well, talk about a game with a duality complex. Two different sorts of fans are gonna see two very different games with this one.

  • Bioware fans will see a VERY mediocre Bioware game, and commence weeping.
  • Sonic fans will see the best Sonic game in nearly ten years, and commence throwing huge parties.

Let me tell you about my experience with the game so far. We won’t go into what I’m playing it on or how I’m playing it, because as long as I say nothing more specific, I haven’t fatally implicated myself yet.

All you need to know is the game has 20 chapters… And I’m on chapter 2. So, Let’s break this down in a system where my thoughts aren’t gonna be helter-skelter everywhere, thereby confusing even me as I think ‘Wait a tick, didn’t I mention that already?’.


Oh. My. God. I may have stumbled in to heaven. Bioware, if anything, are extremely good at taking peices of an otherwise fragmented and canon questioned franchise and meshing everything together so it works with just enough little references and straight up ‘Hey, remember…’ to tickle even the most jaded fan’s happy nerve. I’m happy to report they’ve delivered again, managing to translate a few classic Sonic environments into a glorious 2D painted style of map that smells of some holy hybrid between Sonic The Comic, Archie, and the games. Hell, in the VERY beginning of the game you’re plopped right down in Green Hill Zone, at which point Tails and Sonic even have a breif dialogue talking about the first Sonic game.

However, I digress, I’ll get to how the characters interact. How about the characters themselves? Well, I can’t say much seeing as they’re about the size of my fingernail when at their largest, and about as big as a piece of rice crispies I ate earlier otherwise. However, thus far, everything seems very well intact, no Riders style crazy redisigns, and the character portraits in dialogue sequences feel like a nice mix of Sonic X and Sonic Adventure, the latter greatly redeeming the former. Good on ya, Bioware.


Not a Sonic game’s strong point. Ever. Until now. While, granted, SC:TDB doesn’t exactly have a story that’s going to envoke your deepest moral self questionings with emotional choices and tales of political intrigue… It IS good for a story about a bunch of talking animals. Here’s your premise: Eggman is presumed dead (though the D word is never said thus far, just that he’s ‘gone for good’.), everyone’s gone their separate ways for some vacation time, a couple of years have passed (Amy is now 15, tails 10, Sonic 17 or 18, etc.), and Sonic gets a very sudden ring from Tails that goes along the lines of;

“Dude, Knuckles is kinda missing.”
“Shit. Are you serious?”
“Yeah, bruh, some black suited mofuckas took him.”
“Ooooh, Imma fuck ’em up.”

Least, that’s how it’d play out in Shadow the Hedgehog or a Dave Chapelle sketch. You get the idea, though. You now have a mission: Find Knuckles. Strangely, I think one of the earliest Sonic fan games had a similar premise. Oh, obscure memories of early Sonic Fan Games HQ…

Uh, again, digression does my soul good: While admittedly I’ve only made it through two chapters, I’ve read plenty of spoilers (oops) and already trounced through several dialogue sequences, which are really the joy of the experience so far. the dialogue options all give the characters a new, less cheesey life while retaining certain conventions from the Adventure games. Sonic is a snarky bastard if you choose him to be, Tails is a genius independent kid, Amy shows up just for the sake of being around Sonic, Rouge is being a crazy spy, Knuckles I guess was guarding stuff before he was ‘nabbed, and I assume Shadow is off being a forced badass somewhere. I’ll tell you when I run in to him. Point is, the characters are filling the positions they’re SUPPOSED to as opposed to buddy buddy somehow we’re always in the same place and SAWNIK HEWOES.

Look, the point is, it’s good. It’s no KOTOR, but it’s good.


Is this where the game will fail? Is this the horrible underbelly to the heavenly content otherwise? Surprisingly, no! Not yet! I’ll admit, the fight system annoys me a bit, but maybe that’s because my tablet just isn’t quite as accurate as a DS stylus. I mean, what. Your special attacks for each character depend on a sequence of correctly timed stylus strokes and taps, it’s harder than it sounds, but it’s extremely satisfying to pull off correctly and do massive damage to some poor enemy crab. And yes, characters can expose weak spots, so attack for you-know-what.

So the other main question is… How do you translate the almost speedy to a fatal fault Sonic the Hedgehog to a more paced genre like RPG? Simple: A little give, a little take. While it’s no blistering platformer, it’s not a trudge along RPG either. The more sonic-esque navigation moves (loops, jumps, flying, etc) are controlled through little icons that pop up near your current character, allowing Sonic to zoom around like it’s 1991.

All in all… It actually feels good so far. I haven’t gotten too far in to the deeper elements, but there’s a Codex containing tons of info on the Sonic verse, a chao system in which they become equiptment, thus making Chao useful for the first time ever, and items to augment your characters, though thankfully they don’t show up on the actual model.


If this seems vague so far, it is. Two chapters in, ffs. I’ll keep you updated.